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Piglets are here!

Jubilee Farms

Updated: Apr 6, 2021

On Saturday we got our first couple piglets (Berkshire cross), and we will be getting more in a couple weeks. They are currently in the barn so that they can get accustomed to us and get a little bigger before we turn them out. In a couple weeks we will move them out into the woods that we have fenced off where they can forage and run around! Pigs are not ruminant animals (like cattle, sheep, and goats, etc), so they can't derive all the nutrients they need from grass. Because of that we are working with a local feed mill to develop an organic feed mix that will meet their nutritional needs.

If you are interested in buying pork from us, please get in touch with me here on our website or on facebook so we can reserve a pig (or partial pig) for you! And as always, if you have any questions please feel free to reach out to me!

Here are some resources on livestock digestive systems and nutritional needs!

Also.. Are piglets cute or what?! I am enjoying their inquisitiveness and intelligence! They figured out how to use the nipple valve waterer (for the first time) within seconds. What amazing animals!



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